Sunday, September 30, 2012

The man in the West....

Shaykh ibn al-Habib said: "The dhikr of the man of the West cures the man in the East". 
This is because creation in linked in a manner we cannot see by the Rububiyyah of Allah, subhana wa ta'ala. 
This is man of the West using the Dirham in Britain with sincerity. 
By Allah he has made capitalism smaller and the path to Mu'amalat one step closer. 
And Victory belongs to Allah. — with David Meddings.

Photo: Shaykh ibn al-Habib said: "The dhikr of the man of the West cures the man in the East". This is because creation in linked in a manner we cannot see by the Rububiyyah of Allah, subhana wa ta'ala. This is man of the West using the Dirham in Britain with sincerity. By Allah he has made capitalism smaller and the path to Mu'amalat one step closer. And Victory belongs to Allah.

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